| milkman1 - 5/28/2024 10:33
Second year with gen 3 20/20 second year having trouble loading planting information into Agleader SMS.
When we were planting we loaded every hybrid when ever we changed. Now when it comes into SMS there are errors loading files and all fields have soybeans with only one variety across all fields.
Last year was a mess getting part way correct and I was told that the updates on SMS took care of the problems. Now this any suggestions
By the way spraying information gathered from agleader monitor loads fine as did the planting information from CNH pro 700 (prior to 2023)
AL has an issue with ver. 24.. I have been in touch with them quite a bit about the situation. Ver. 24 would not import our 2020 data on any firmware dated from 2022 to current. They are supposed to let me know when they have resolved the issue - hopefully with a plugin. If I hear something, I can follow up here. Best advise, they are working on it so be patient.
Take care |