Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn. | Whether those two items are actually needed for the Integra to detect the presence of your Ontrac, I'm not certain, but I am certain that both would be needed to actually use the Ontrac. I would move the vehicle to an area where you can expect to get GPS and make certain that any power sources are supplied.
I finished moving my Steady Steer assisted steering from my combine to my Hagie Sprayer yesterday. Assuming the Ontrac is powered the same way as my Steady Steer, I needed to have both the High Current Power (does the actual work of turning the steering wheel) and the Activation power (signals the steering system to "wake up") connected before my display became aware that Assisted Steering was being added. With my steering an ethernet cable is used between the InCommand display and the Steady Steer SCM. I also needed to change a menu item under the Steering/GPS tab from Manual Steering to in my case SteerCommand Z2/Steady Steer. There are other choices so I believe you will need to change that menu item also.
I'm not certain if GPS was necessary for the system to detect the presence of the Steering since I was out in the open and was receiving GPS.
In my case, my display recognized the presence of the steering unit as it asked my permission to perform an update for one of the spray modules and the SCM module dealing with the steering. The status indicators on the SCM blink Green so I am reasonably confident that I am ready to perform the steering calibration for the Hagie
I planned on performing the actual calibration for the Hagie in a small hay field yesterday but due to excessive rain Friday morning, I decided to try another location today.
So in your case, I would be certain that GPS is available and showing on the Integra as well as connecting all power sources and changing the steering option screen. If this is unsuccessful you may have a mismatch with outdated firmware, defective components or some other error in setup.
Possibly someone else with your exact combination of equipment may chime in.
Edited by tedbear 5/25/2024 07:12