NW Ohio | I have a TMX2050 installed for auto steer in a New Holland T7070 with autopilot. It is giving me three errors often enough that I cannot use the auto steer anymore. Error 86 “battery voltage low”, error 112 “CAN auto guidance message error (isolation valve invalid)” and error 113 “can auto guidance message error (isolation valve inconsistent). Tractor reads 13.4-13.5 volts when running and I checked with a meter on the battery and I believe that is correct. Tried changing out main power cables from battery to the cab and it did not seem to help. I kept getting errors 112 and 113 so I could not try the steering to see if error 86 would come back. Error 86, “ Battery voltage low,” only seemed to happen if the auto steer was trying to make a huge correction. I was using it for seed monitoring on a grain drill but unplugged that to try to help troubleshoot the problem. Errors 112 and 113 are to the point that I can not clear them and use the tmx, they come back as soon as they are cleared now.
Any suggestions on where to look? I also tried flashing the NavII controller again thinking maybe something was corrupt but no luck there. It just seemed to steadily get worse. No problems the first day I ran, a couple the second day, had to be right on the line for auto steer to work the third day and then we finished up with no working auto steer at all the last two days. TIA | |