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8rx vs 8rt Berming on headlands
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Posted 5/21/2024 12:05 (#10746747)
Subject: 8rx vs 8rt Berming on headlands

Hi. Currently running a 8345rt with a mounted 16-30 stack fold planter without lift assist wheels. Tractor has inboard fast tanks with fast nose tank. As u can imagine in our sandy soil it berms our headlands a lot on the turns with the two track and heavy weight. Luckily we primary plant seedcorn so we can come back in and level headlands back out. Question is how would and 8rx be turning in the same situation with tanks and a mounted planter? Would the 8rx completely eliminate the berming or would it just be a little better ? I understand the weight and no lift assist wheel hurts the situation but love the set up.
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