USA | Ron..NE ILL..10/48 - 2/25/2024 08:35
Just wondering....does offering application (aerial in this case) service along with the pesticides needed for that operation make one a retailer?
Would have to ask somebody more in the know than me @ ILL Dept of AG, don't know if aerial application license covers sales of chemicals or not.I doubt if it does, but that is just a guess on my part.
Our Drone deal , is I own the drones , trailers and pay the expenses. Rent them to a young guy who has the drone spraying business. He owns the trucks that pull trailers, pays the help, and pays for insurance.
He found a company that would sell liability coverage on the drones last year , by the moth, if memory is correct cost for all the drones was around $130 month. When drones weren't flying he don't buy insurance on them.
I am the chemical dealer , I sell the chemicals, bill for them, drone spraying and pay him for spraying.. So he has no involvement in selling chemicals.
Edited by coup 2/25/2024 13:48
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