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Cheap sprayer drones
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Posted 2/25/2024 08:11 (#10639011 - in reply to #10638736)
Subject: RE: Cheap sprayer drones

TrussServicesLLC - 2/24/2024 21:03

Are you asking the number of batteries or how many battery cycles I went through to cover that acreage? I have 4 batteries and the DJI generator but I often only rotated 3 for a lot of my fields. For those fields, it allowed me to swap batteries around to allow more cooling time since I was dealing with 100 degree days. I had a few fields that required the fourth to allow the generator to keep up. I often ran 14+ hour days to achieve more than 400 acres per day but I mention 8-9 hours to be realistic with the few guys that I know that are unable to run the 14+ hour days due to their own circumstances.

You are proving your numbers were pretty much smoke blowing sales talk. First you claimed you could spray 400 + acres day in 8-9 hour day. Then you said you could land to launch in 25-35 seconds with 3-4 batteries per drone. No way 3-4 batteries could keep up when flying in hot conditions with the amount of acres you claim to get per day with one drone.

Own 6 T 40 drones . 2 for backup. Fly two drones per trailer with 2 guys per trailer. Double deck trailer is about as efficient as you can get for refills and battery changes. Last year couldn't keep up with 4 batteries per drone when running hard when hot, finally went to 5 batteries per drone.

Run one like this trailer last year in the link and one where landed on the trailer floor, double deck trailer could do 20% plus more acres per day than one landing on the trailer floor. Will be running 4 double deck trailers this year with 2 drones per trailer. Currently taking bids to buy 6 more T 40s, will have a total of 12 T40s., in order to have 1 backup drone per trailer.

They sprayed 30,000 plus acres with the drones last year so know what realistic reality is and what you have posted on here is not realistic reality.
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