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Cheap sprayer drones
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Posted 2/24/2024 22:03 (#10638736 - in reply to #10638602)
Subject: RE: Cheap sprayer drones

North Central Ohio
Are you asking the number of batteries or how many battery cycles I went through to cover that acreage? I have 4 batteries and the DJI generator but I often only rotated 3 for a lot of my fields. For those fields, it allowed me to swap batteries around to allow more cooling time since I was dealing with 100 degree days. I had a few fields that required the fourth to allow the generator to keep up. I often ran 14+ hour days to achieve more than 400 acres per day but I mention 8-9 hours to be realistic with the few guys that I know that are unable to run the 14+ hour days due to their own circumstances.
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