central - east central Minnesota - | IADAVE - 2/10/2024 15:14 No idea how high up your fans are. If hey are close to the ground stacking big round bales would deaden the sound considerable. If someone close by has a lot of cattle that option could be basically free. I have one fan I park a semi trailer in front of. That helps a lot as far as the noise going to the neighbors. The other fans are on the house side of the bins and are centrifugal. They do not bother us in the least and we are probably 70 ft from them. This works . . . . . you can even stack differing rows of bales to absorb the noise. Stack close in by the dryer then another row out just a bit further from the first row . . . . . Ring around the dryer and bins if you have bales or neighbors with bales you can use. |