Big Sky Country | illinidirtfarmer - 2/8/2024 15:06
Democrat rep from the Chicago suburbs. Schaumburg, Might be the richest suburb around the Mistake by the lake Figures. Probably thinks it's Agent Orange.
Appears she is a mental health counselor by profession. On the energy and environmental committees as well as the mental health committee and 5 others. I'm sure her degree in counselling makes her an environmental expert on a par with John (I fought in Vietnam) Kerry.
I'd bet a dollar her lawn has been sprayed with 2,4D. But all she knows is they sprayed it with weed killer.
Kerry did fight in vn. Out of the hundreds of congressman, he was one 2–maybe 3–kids there. And only one in combat.
If you think the brown water navy weren’t hands, you oughta float thru a jungle you can’t see 3’ in and learn all about snakes. And little brown fkers taking potshots from the brush
Always irked me that the swiftness took that away from him and gave it to shrub bush—-who got into air guard when it was about as easy as getting into space program and could only prove it by dentist appt. Then early outed—-you know what it costs to get fighter pilot wings?—-to campaign for dufus sr—-the one shrub invaded Iraq for cause saudies tried to hit him then hid in Afghanistan.
I don’t agree with Kerry on lotsa stuff—-but he went, he served and he coulda got outa it—-like Cheney, bush, t’Rump, etal
Edited by littlejo 2/8/2024 19:48