| Believe me, I want to do it right. Options are limited currently. There are very few drills here to begin with. Much less anyone set up to apply fertilizer with it. I don't know of anyone with an air seeder with a tow between cart anywhere close. There are a handful of air seeders with the single tank on them, but most are 15" rows for soybeans. Currently my only option (besides buying my own drill) is to see if my custom guy is ok with blending wheat and MAP in his box drill. I don't think MAP is all that corrosive so hopefully he is alright with it.
This fall I had to juggle tendering the drill with harvest (yields were so crap it wasn't that big a deal), but adding MAP to the equation means twice as much tendering. Normal range of soybean groups here is a 2.4 to a 3.0. I'm going to have some 2.0s where I want the wheat next year so I should have a break after they are combined where I can mess with all that stuff. | |