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Union-Champ Swiss
Posted 1/19/2024 13:01 (#10582447 - in reply to #10581306)
Subject: RE: Discbines

I have a H7450 New Holland I replaced a 925 Deere with. Pulls easier, and does a very good job cutting and conditioning.

Swivel hitch is fantastic. At work we have 313s and a 1431 as well. 313s are very good mowers too, and really simple. 1431 isn't bad either, but is a little more of a pain with the regular hitch. at work we pull then with anything from a 4055, 7330, and 7420, to a 4455, 7610 and 7810 without issue.

I pull my H7450 with a 7060 Allis, 4520 deere or my brother's 4430. I feel like my Allis 7000 would handle it without issue as well. They pull much easier than a deere

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