Blue Grass (Eastern IA) | I made a video last summer but I can’t get it to load. It compared a new Holland H7250 pull type to a Hesston 9260 self-propelled. The Hesston with 950 hours on it had next to zero gear lash between the modules. I expect to get a couple thousand more hours out of that cutter bar. The new Holland had over 45 degrees of gear lash. The new Hollands use very small splined drive shafts between each module which run in a dry cavity. The splines wear badly due to lack of lube. One of the splined shafts failed, which caused the two turtles to shear their hubs when they hit each other. The result was it was smarter to buy a new cutter bar than repair because it needed all new shafts and the sockets that the shaft splines slide into. This is a terrible design by new Holland, which should be called out for the engineering failure that it is. | |