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Silver shadow
Posted 1/18/2024 20:43 (#10581506 - in reply to #10581391)
Subject: RE: Discbines

Southern Alberta
Agree that H7450 with swivel drawbar is a great machine. Just a pain to service, lots of grease zerks everywhere (good to have but a pain as they don’t all align and have to keep turning machine), and they have a pile of gearboxes to check/change oil. Especially the cutter bar modules are a joke to check and change. But they are good machines that do an excellent job

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Attachments B9E052BC-24F7-4213-9412-0EE11EB07424 (full).jpeg (244KB - 69 downloads)
Attachments F74F7397-7406-48BA-9733-53BC51E191D3 (full).jpeg (188KB - 62 downloads)
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