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IH 786 tractor..........
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Posted 1/12/2024 13:28 (#10569991 - in reply to #10569658)
Subject: RE: IH 786 tractor..........

farmerkj - 1/12/2024 10:54

Had a 826 with the German in 20 years ago. Grandpa bought it new. Regret selling it. 766 has the IH motor. Do the 786s still have the fuel shut off like the 826? I remember pulling it out part way while starting. Gave it a little extra fuel at the right spot.

We have a 706 with the 310 diesel. It has the fuel shut off like that. As long as you pull the fuel stop out 1/2 way it will start in 0° weather. Don't pull 8t out it struggles to start at 40° . Tractor doesn't have a block heater. Had a friend that had a 574 diesel that also had the pull stop. One morning at the coffee shop he was complaining how hard if was to start. I told him to pull stop out 1/2 way to start it. Next time I saw him he thanked me, said it worked. Said he'd had the tractor several years & had no idea.
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