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Android speech to text...
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Mark in NEMO
Posted 12/27/2023 15:16 (#10544066)
Subject: Android speech to text...

Northeast Missouri the pits. Terribly inaccurate, no way to "train" it to my common words (like you can with Dragon Naturally Speaking), and very inconsistent: sometimes saying "period" puts a period at the end of the sentence, and sometimes it spells out "period". Sometimes (but rarely) saying "newline" drops the insertion point down onto a new line, but more often these days it only spells out "new line". When I say "calves" mine always gives me "Cavs" ...though I never talk about the Cleveland Cavaliers. know how it is. Often I think typing must be faster.

I used to use Dragon Naturally Speaking for years on PCs, and after some training to my words and voice it works pretty well, most of the time. Dragon has gotten very pricey though. The Android versions are pricey too, and don't get very good reviews.

To the point...The other day I stumbled onto an app in the Play store called Write by Voice. I'd guess it's still must be based on Google's voice recognition technology, but it seems *much* more accurate that Android's native text-to-speech capability.

Using it is like writing something in one app, then Copying to the clipboard to Paste it into another, but the better accuracy and reduced frustration is worth it. So far, when I say "period" or "comma" I always get a period or comma, not the word spelled out. And a big benefit is that I can have the keyboard open AND voice typing active at the same time in this app. (Not possible with the native voice to text.) So if I need to manually edit/delete some words or phrases with the keyboard, when I'm done with that I can just speak the replacement phrase or word...then use the keyboard in another spot, etc. It makes editing a lot faster.

You can use it for free with ads, but they're pretty intrusive, so I'll probably pay the $9.99 per year after I've used it another week or so.

All this app needs to be really stellar is to support a few other voice commands like Dragon "newline" to go to a new line, or "cap" to capitalize the next letter, or any of several others.

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