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1206 farmall
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Posted 12/23/2023 19:25 (#10538292 - in reply to #10538131)
Subject: RE: 1206 farmall

WNW Illinois, Henry Co
I just know they were fixable in the field. My first year of service tech, had to replace a broken axle on one when customer dropped the chisel in ground. BANG, it stopped fast, funny thing is broke the other one a week later. IIRC same axle as 806, 1256 is bigger, I think. 1456 for sure bigger

I demonstrated a 1456 with a 21 ft 480 disk, Hi 2nd gear that thing just flew,

good ole tractors,

I bought my first tractor in 1970, a used 806D. Just turned of 9000 hours this fall. Duty only includes auger now.

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