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More of the same from the garden
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AR Plowboy
Posted 12/8/2023 17:31 (#10515870 - in reply to #10515770)
Subject: RE: More of the same from the garden

East Central Arkansas
It just depends on the Winter we have. When we get a hard freeze that actually freezes water and soil and last through the day that will get it. The cabbage seem to be tougher. Yes I have some disease problems. I did treat with coper and another fungicide twice. I probably need a band of something at planting or soon after it comes up. I direct seed and tend to plant thick to insure a stand. I should thin it and that I think would help. I do try to plant in different areas but with both a spring crop and fall crop and often the whole growing area being worked up at the same time and soil and old crop residue spread all over.
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