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Kubota xg850 sidekick issues
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Posted 11/18/2023 17:56 (#10487266 - in reply to #10427323)
Subject: RE: Kubota xg850 sidekick issues

NW Kansas
I also have a XG850 that has around 1,000 hours on it. You are not alone in having problems with this machine. I use it just like you do, for cattle chores, ect. I'm on the 3rd engine and have had multiple CVT problems primarily related to the clutches.

My first engine failed due to a rubber plug coming loose and water got into the engine. The second engine was due to a rubber connecting boot on the air intake system wearing through and dusting the engine.

My dealer and Kubota suggested the root cause of my CVT problems was tied to "shuttle shifting", which is when you shift between reverse and high/low without allowing engine rpm's to return to idle. This caused damage to the clutches, primarily the secondary or driven clutch. This in turn caused the drive belt to drag and get hot. I actually cooked a belt completely trying to make it back to the farm one day. I ended up having to replace the clutches. I haven't had anymore issues now that I am more careful and patient in shifting gears.

I also had problems with a whining noise from the transmission. What we found when we tore into the tranny was pieces of the pressure ring from one of the rear cv shafts. Fortunately no serious damage was done and seemed like the noise went away after the pieces of the ring were removed. My best guess is when we replaced a rear cv shaft the pressure ring made its way into the transmission. How, who knows?

My steering wheel tilt is completely broke now, but for a long while it had play like what you are describing. There is a gas strut that connects to the steering column and mine is not connected anymore. My best guess is there is some type of swivel or ball joint that the strut has broke away from. I haven't had time to dive into fixing it yet.

Currently my sidekick is broke down again waiting on parts. This time I think the fuel pump went bad.

I share your frustration and if I wasn't so stubborn I would have lit the thing on fire and shoved it off a hill. I have been very disappointed in the reliability of these machines. I have a 2011 Polaris Ranger 900 Diesel that my hired help has tried many times to kill but it just keeps on going.
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