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Beautiful day in the new barn
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Posted 11/18/2023 08:35 (#10486755 - in reply to #10486264)
Subject: RE: Beautiful day in the new barn

Greencastle, Pa.
Our "little" barn is 415ft. [barn # 2] 1 & 3 are 520ft. and # four is 63 x 704ft. When birds are from 4 weeks up to market I make 6 passes through barn 4 morn and eve. [8448ft] per day. Barns 1-2-3 get walked 4 times 2x every day. So a walk-through all barns each day adds up to 14268ft [2.7miles] walked a day just in the barns. I'm 29,369 days old. So Darin you can do it.------------- Life is Good.
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