Madison Co. Virginia | To further the 'ship of Theseus' argument, suppose I rescued one of your old broom handles from your woodpile before you burned it, and a year later, picked up one of your discarded broom heads where you were using it as a boot scrubber. If I assemble those components and keep them, who has the heirloom broom -- me or you?
This "ship of Theseus" discussion has come up several times with the 'Tally Ho'(Sampson Boat Co.) project on Youtube. The guy is restoring a 1912 sailing yacht, with the intent of running it in the Fastnet races again. A few pieces of hardware and the wooden transom are the only parts that are original at this point. Is it the same ship or not? His argument is that the ship has never ceased to exist at any point. The keel timber was removed, and a new keel timber slid into place. Each frame(rib) was replaced individually.
Do physical objects have a 'soul' or not? Is there any identity in a non-living object apart from the sum of their components?
Edited by kipps 11/6/2023 12:16
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