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Kubota xg850 sidekick issues
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Posted 10/5/2023 18:59 (#10428993 - in reply to #10427323)
Subject: RE: Kubota xg850 sidekick issues

Since no one took a stab at it, I'll weigh in. I've been around the neighbors Gators for years, they have good and bad points. When the Sidekicks came out several years ago, I thought great, finally a high speed version of the bullet proof 900 and 1100's. I asked the dealer, and he said give it a few years to see how they perform. Well, they don't sell very many of them. The farmer crowd is divided up several ways. Some like the slow Kubotas. Some like faster less dependable Rangers. Can Am, not a big dealer network. Honda's get hot under the seat, and cab is no good. I bought the Gator. Not the fastest, but no one matches the cab and level of refinement and dealer support is great
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