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Kubota xg850 sidekick issues
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Posted 10/4/2023 15:50 (#10427323)
Subject: Kubota xg850 sidekick issues

SE Wisconsin
Does anyone else have a Kubota sidekick? Their gas powered UTV.

I have about 375 hours on it now and I feel like the thing is starting to come apart. Over the summer I had the dealer figure out a chirping noise when you start from a stop. They tried a belt and that did not take care of it. Then they had to take apart the CVT and replace some bearings/bushings in the trans.

It was fine after I got it back for awhile, but 3 months later its starting to act up again. Its like the trans is not releasing or something stays engaged in the CVT. because it gets hot, it burns way more gas and after running it for 15-20 minutes you can smell it burning. If you go over 25 mph, the trans makes a whine noise now too.

We checked brakes etc to make sure I was not overthinking something. Its all good. so back to the dealer we go now. The mechanic I spoke with told me they don't see a lot of them. So there is not a lot of history on them for repairs.

The steering wheel also is sloppy now. It have a 1.5" movement up and down like something is broke in the column. Just seems cheap to me. and thats not normal for Kubota.

We don't abuse it or anything obviously bad. Mostly for fixing fence, feeding buckets of corn to cattle and checking on cows in pasture .

getting frustrated though because the last repair at 300 hrs was out of warranty by 2 months and it cost me $1500. This one , who knows..
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