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Farming on the other side of the world
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Walton Farms
Posted 9/12/2023 21:09 (#10399461 - in reply to #10399390)
Subject: RE: Farming on the other side of the world

SW Indiana
WJKEIGER - 9/12/2023 21:41

Looks like you had a great time. When I saw your picture (copy below) I went to the room where my wife was reading and told her, "There is something here you've just got to see". She came, saw it and laughed. She is originally from Minnesota and is of Finnish ancestry. Her family name is Saari !!

That's cool Weldon, Vincent maybe can chime in if he sees this. But he knew of a grandfather that immigrated to the US in the early 1900's if I remember correctly. He went to the town where his grandfather was from, found his last name in the local cemetery head stones and went looking for family and found cousins he never knew he had. He may correct parts of the story there.

My family is originally from England, makes me want to go on a hunt for family as well.
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