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Farming on the other side of the world
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Walton Farms
Posted 9/12/2023 21:05 (#10399451 - in reply to #10399294)
Subject: RE: Farming on the other side of the world

SW Indiana
nilbart - 9/12/2023 20:50

buildings all look plenty stout particularly the roofs. Also appears most of the outbuildings look as though they had been built for livestock but now used for equipment/seed/grain storage. Maybe at one time a dairy farm? Any livestock in the area you visited? Must have been a real eye opening experience. Thanks for the pics.

Yes lots of older dairy barns. From my understanding the US pressured the EU into banning milk exports to Russia several years ago (5-10 maybe?). Before the ban milk was $50 per hundred weight, is now around $16. The farm I visited was about 260 acres and 35 cows when they milked and made a good living. Like in the US what dairies is left have grown. We visited the large dairy of the area milking 160 cows.

The cousin that farms is also an electrician to help support the farm and has a busy business. The picture of the dryer up above with taller grass around it was a service call we rode along with. Another evening he got a video text from a neighbor with motor bearings out on the fan motor of his dryer. I asked if farmers fix things like that their self and was told they aren't allowed to do any electrical work besides changing fuses or breakers or putting a new end on a cord. It's a government mandate that is designed to help create jobs (electricians, etc.)
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