Winkler, Manitoba Canada | We have been working on several different projects recently.
White 2-88 has been a bit of a shop-queen with various items needing attention. Clutch release was fubarred so the engine needed to come out of the tractor, as you do not split a White. In the process we found that the rad was shot and the front crankshaft damper on the Perkins 354.4 was letting go. As the damper is obsolete as of 2014, used, rebuilt or rebuilding are the options. Sent ours to a place in Salem Oregon and had it rebuilt. http://www.hbrepair.com/
Also have our 435 Versatile in the shop for annual servicing and to install another monitor. One of the weak points on these tractors relates to the Cat TA22 powershift transmission. Cat in their wisdom employed a floating/sliding yoke for the input shaft on these transmissions. Basically guarantees that the input shaft seal needs to be replaced occasionally. Decided to make a proper seal driver. Input shaft has a 10mm threaded socket so made a driver to use a threaded rod and nut to push the seal in. The hollow dish basically sits on the input shaft to hold it in line.
Edited by WTW 3/17/2023 23:33
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