Southern Idaho | I want to share how I'm building the momentary switch for two tractors. I already built one for an fm750 with ez steer using this switch:
ANd this box:
This kit also has cable glands that worked for me
I found a 25 pin serial cable at my local deseret industries(it is a secondhand store like goodwill)
It is a bit tricky to connect the tiny wires from the serial cable to the switch. I did it by soldering the wires to larger wires.
Also make sure that you connect the right pins to momentary switch. It is easy to confuse the pinout for male vs. female connector. I initially wired it wrong and I was really confused why it wasn't working. I just rewired it connecting the pins pictured below. Pretty sure I have it right now but I haven't tried it yet. For my cable the wires are yellow and pink/black.
For the deutsch connector it should be a bit simpler since I already have the right tools. I had a spare dtm06-12s connector from an old unused harness and the other tools I acquired when fixing a large broken deutsch connector on our combine. I believe pins 2 and 7. I'm hoping somebody will respond to tell me whether I can use the port replicator. IF not I will just build the switch and give it a try.
Edited by beebe44 3/12/2023 13:06
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