E. CO, exactly half way between NE and OK | The wire on the big roller is used for electric fence. We built it for our nephews and when they want to build electric fence, they just roll it out. When they roll the fence back up, they just roll it on the big wire roller. The narrower part of the spool is for smooth wire, I don't know why they have barbed wire on it. To unroll the wire, tie the end of the wire onto the corner post, put the transmission in neutral, and drive.
The junk wire, I wouldn't build spools to through the wire away. That is why we like the spools that we can take the rolls of wire off. We have a spool that we can unroll the small rolls if we roll up good wire. We have a lot of barbed wire that is over 50 years old. If you keep it out of the dirt, it will last a long time. |