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Recommendations on a wire winder, Wire Dog and others
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Posted 1/27/2023 11:00 (#10063042 - in reply to #10062458)
Subject: RE: Recommendations on a wire winder, Wire Dog and others

East of Broken Bow
If you have a skid steer, and can drive it along the fences, put the Pro Tatch on your skid steer, and use it to roll the wire up. If you can drive along the fence, you can leave the end tied, and roll it up without dragging it through the ground and bend the barbs back.
Just put an adjustable relief valve between the two hoses, and be sure that when you roll it up, that the wire comes onto the spool from the bottom. That way if the wire breaks, the end that flips around will always flip AWAY from the cab of the skid steer, and not towards it.
Set the relief valve so the wire is tight, but not so tight to risk breaking it, You can wiggle the skid steer around some to get it to wind evenly.
If you don't think you have a risk of bending back the barbs, you can just drag the wire towards you, and wiggle the skid steer around to get it to wind evenly, but still have it wind from the bottom for safety's sake if the wire breaks.

ETA, one BIG advantage of the Pro Tatch, is that the spool is smooth and of a fairly large center diameter. I have used wire winders that had a spool made of 4 or 6 pipe 'spokes' that put little kinks in the wire on the inner couple layers of wire, and I have used wire winders made with a center pipe of small diameter that when you unwound the wire, you had to hang on to the end really tight, or it would wind up looking like a big coil spring and turn into a giant snarl. I recommend it over any other I have used if you are planning to reuse the wire. Get another reel or two, and you can unroll multiple wires at once, the spool has a 1 inch bore, and any 1 in shaft on a holder that will allow it to spin, will work if you have a way to keep the removable part of the spool tight (even vise-grips clamped to the shaft is enough).

Edited by HuskerJ 1/27/2023 11:12
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