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Shop build prices
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Posted 1/23/2023 13:26 (#10055213 - in reply to #10054392)
Subject: RE: Shop build prices

Nw Iowa
You will not get it done for 200000. My electric after service was in is approx 10000. Plumbing a sink isn’t hard but what about drain field or holding tank. Needed approx 160’ of copper to plumb 2 tube heaters and a line to tank, 4$ a ft. Gas regulators, etc. Decent quality roll up or hyd door 20000 or more. I would have said 50000 would cover cement, not any more, labor was up last year, this year the actual cement. Drain system will be 3-4000. Here foam under cement so floor doesn’t sweat, over a 1$ a ft by itself.. Avg quality steel walk door approx 600. Than outside the big door cement pads. It generally isn’t the building and the bigger things that surprise you, it is the little stuff and final things like hose reels, air plumbing, shop storage racks, plumbing basic sink and stool, pallet racking etc that all make it a shop. So I will stick by 50 a sq ftfor basic shop, could easily go to 80 to a 100 with a office, heated floors, all steel building, a lot of overhead doors and Cadillac upgrades that a lot of shops have. And for those that did a lot of your own labor, you cannot value your time at zero unless you have absolutely nothing else going on.

Edited by jdironman 1/23/2023 22:41
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