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Why do people not want to go back to work?
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Posted 1/15/2023 08:09 (#10040767 - in reply to #10040716)
Subject: RE: Why do people not want to go back to work?

Paradise KS

And honestly its not really the guys fault either.....The job he works pays such a lousy salary he qualifies for goberment assistance. But you could work a ton more hours, or try to move jobs to "make more money" to not have it make much difference at all.

Truly the middle class is getting absolutely hammered right now, especially on the lower end that just above assistance. Health insurance is insane if not provided by employer.

Some of you corn bean guys that use the farm business to make all your payments are completely ignorant of what its taking to live right now going to a 9 to 5. Then you bitch about no one wanting to work while paying pathetic salaries.....
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