Handicapped with a sticker gets you a special parking spot. It also at times gives you a separate bathroom. I ran across this in an article; We know that the accessible toilets are almost always in a more convenient spot than the regular restrooms, but that’s because that’s the whole point of them. And although sometimes it might feel like you can get away with using it even if you don’t apply to the permitted people, you still shouldn’t use it. Because you don’t know when someone’s going to pop up and actually need it. It's my contention that the writer isn't being logical. Being handicapped doesn't mean that you have to go to the bathroom more than another person. Indeed a person with IBS or undergoing cancer treatment and has violent reactions to medication is somehow less in need of a bathroom than somebody in a wheelchair? My recently departed friend had instant and violent reactions to eating ice cream because he was lactose intolerant but once in a blue moon would succumb to the temptation to have a Whitey's chocolate malt. At the end of his life he was in a motorized wheelchair and for the past year hasn't eaten, only fed via a tube directly to his stomach. I would never have denied him a malt those years past and access to a handicapped restroom because back then he wasn't in a wheelchair. When you gotta go, you gotta go no matter your physical condition. You are aware that some things are so heavy even an elephant can't hold them. |