Pittsburg, Kansas | We use animal fats for any cooking we do. Mostly bacon grease, butter, etc.
I have thought coconut oil would be good and we have used it some, but based on some of the things Dr Paul Mason says in this video, it may not be as good as once thought.
Kind of depends on what a person considers safe also. None of it is going to kill you immeidately. My parents ate Crisco most of their life and lived to about 82. They did both die of congestive heart failure though. So who knows? As a kid, Crisco is all I ever remember seeing on my mom's shelf, then later vegetable cooking oils. It was supposed to be what was "healthy". Supposed to be the key words.
I think some of this latest information is worth considering. I don't get all worked up if I eat a burger patty at McDonalds that probably has vegetable oil splashed on the grill. Because I don't eat there all the time. But at home we have not had any vegetable oil in the house nor any salad dressings or other stuff with it as an ingredient for over three years now. So we try to minimize our consumption of vegetable oils, but I don't get religious at avoiding it. Just try to keep it to a minimum and minor amounts only occasionally when eating out.
Just what we try to do personally. May not be the best for everyone.
Edited by John Burns 1/9/2023 06:22
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