Jan 08, 2025 6:16 PM
Centerville, IA
Kinze 2600 12/23. Excellent condition. Agleader electric clutches on corn units two years ago. Openers in good shape, gauge wheels in good shape. No til coulters are all two years old or less. One year old spiked closing wheels on left side on all 23 rows. Keaton seed firmers on all 23 rows. Agleader insight for monitor. One new drive tire and two new main frame tires in the last year. Always shedded. Precision finger pick up corn meters, had them ran thru the stand two years ago, any issues were fixed. Martin floating row cleaners will not be staying on as I will be putting them on my new planter. Only reason for selling is I upgraded to a bigger planter. Been a great trouble free planter the last three years I’ve owned it. Brush meters for soybeans, put all new brushes in two years ago from shoup
$28,500 USD
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