| Mrs B - 1/15/2025 21:59
CMN - 1/15/2025 08:32 That's pretty much what what I stated....CMN - 1/14/2025 10:25 And sailors used to get sick from scurvy because they ate a limited diet....in other words no fruit or vegetables. " And sailors used to get sick from scurvy because they ate a limited diet of salted meats, cheese, and fish...a keto/carnivore diet."
I don't know any Keto/Carnivore folks that try to exist on dried, salted meats, such as beef jerky.
Sure, they are tasty now and then, but fresh or frozen meats are the main thing to eat, and eating two pounds per day of meat is a good goal. :)
*Marked safe from scurvy today* | |