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Backhoe vs 10 ton Excavator
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Big Ben
Posted 12/18/2024 10:42 (#11015124 - in reply to #11014806)
Subject: RE: Backhoe vs 10 ton Excavator

Columbia Basin, Ephrata, WA
terry1267 - 12/18/2024 05:47

What is the reason for this? I don’t own an excavator yet.

If you do much tree work, eventually one of them is going to get away from you and some part of the tree may join you in the cab. If (when) it hits the drive sticks, the excavator is going to move. If the undercarriage has the idlers toward the trees, the excavator will back away, relieving the pressure on the drive sticks and on you. If the undercarriage has the sprockets toward the trees, it will push you into the tree and you may not be able to stop it as the tree pushes harder on the sticks and on you. If you think fast you may be able to shut it down with the key before it kills you.

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