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So all this talk of ranching for profit,...
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Russ In Idaho
Posted 12/11/2024 08:45 (#11004305 - in reply to #11004233)
Subject: So oldtiger,

In all honesty my vet and I talked about this being a tool to help find and keep track of bulls. It would great to track mortality in a real time basis. We are spread out over a 25 mile radius, so our bulls can and do end up in the lam sometimes. However until it functions from statalites, it won't work as we don't have cell service in better than 70% of our country. Honestly money would be better spent to hire helicopter to hunt for them than to pay for tags and subscriptions.

However we have managed for more than 100 years on this ranch without that type of technology. I figure we'll can still function without it.

I remember being in a cattleman's meeting a ranch managers wife bragged up to me that they had all their corporate companies cattle on the computer. I replied that's nice, I got all my cattle in the pasture.

Downside to all this tech is they make you pay for it, then use it against you.
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